Sunday, August 8, 2010


It's almost 8 p.m. on Sunday and, after having played solitaire on my laptop for the...well I lost track of how many times actually, spitting organic cherry pits into my WalMart plastic cup, musing on just what the hell it is I think I'm doing, and not really coming up with any good answers to that question...I find myself here. Blogging.

What happened to my life? I find it hard to remember what I did on summer Sunday evenings when I was young...but I'm pretty sure it wasn't this. I seem to remember spending the time with someone other than myself. I'm almost certain that I had acquaintances at least. I'm sure I remember hearing voices other than my own...of course maybe I would be better off NOT musing anymore.

Youth and friendships are elusive things. You can't really pin them down, or bottle them up for later use, and before you know it both have moved past their expiration date. Remember when? Remember how we use to? I can't believe we did that. Everything was so much better when...

Cycled again this evening...made it 15 miles this time...still didn't find what I was looking for.

Sara Jade Woodhouse

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